Case Studies
Rollover the logos below to see a summary of past projects

Development of 10 year capital strategies relating to health and social care priorities.

Development of a new Learning & Development Strategy for the Third Sector Support Wales network to develop a more coherent, consistent, and digitally enabled approach in delivery of training, learning and development.

Delivery of several projects including the development of Housing Support Programme and Homelessness Strategies and a review of Allocations Policy and Practice.

Development of Future Volunteering Strategy in Powys.

The facilitation, development and design of a new 5 year corporate strategy and business delivery plan.

The development of a long term strategy relating to the strategic use of volunteering as a vital component of healthcare delivery.

Feasibility study examining the current and future delivery of both day and work opportunities for learning disabled adults and review of respite services for children and adults.

A Health Needs Assessment of people that are homeless within the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board footprint.

The design and delivery of a leadership development and cultural change programme, Leading with Impact, for all PHW leaders.

Supporting Community Resourcefulness and Resilience – increasing placed-based approaches to wellbeing.

Undertaking a refresh of the evaluation reports people newly prescribed with for the Active Monitoring Programme in Wales.

Providing expert advice to develop a 5-year housing, care and support strategy for older people in Bridgend.